Don’t think about it when you schedule meetings with the push of a button everything is ready for you. Discover easily what spaces you have available for you to focus on what is important.
Organizing activities in a space it is meticulous work that requires a constant magagerization of time, activities and needs of those around. Through process automation we release both time as well as human resources, and status any space is always at hand anyone.

In a world of automation your time is the most important, and so that you can focus on really important tasks, IT ASSIST created a room management system you know always who, what and when is scheduled.
With Meeting Rooms nothing is easier than to set up a team meeting. With the push of a button find out what spaces you have available and when, what activities are programmed into them.
Organizing activities in a space it is meticulous work that requires a constant magagerization of time, activities and needs of those around. Through process automation we release both time as well as human resources, and status any space is always at hand anyone.