Azure Academy

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A Pragmatic, Simple and Effective Approach

It’s a known fact that there is a shortage of IT specialists, which makes finding the right Cloud specialists more difficult if sometimes impossible. To meets this impediment, Azure Academy offers lifelong learning solutions for existing teams in IT companies, as well as a poll of Cloud specialists companies can recruit from.

A Long-Term Strategy

Azure Academy is a long-term project for all IT companies that want to attract the potential business brought by the growing worldwide Cloud adoption. It is important to mention that Azure Academy is not “just another training”, as we take special care to bring onboard trainers that are super-specialists on the Cloud technology and have the most consistent exposure to complex Cloud projects.

Predictable and Recurrent Recruitment

Azure Academy for Companies is a service helping IT companies recruit relevant, well-trained candidates on the Cloud technology, in a predictable and recurring way.

Continuous education and training for your teams

We believe that continuous education and professional training of existing teams are at the foundation of any successful company. The goal of the Azure Academy is to help the Romanian IT community to remain competitive at international standards, and to create a critical mass of Cloud specialists for the Romanian IT companies.

Training directions

We propose a modular program, starting from the generic program “Azure Academy”, but materialized on customer’s needs. More specifically, we will focus on training existing technical teams (not on recruitment in other areas).


Azure for Cloud Engineers (IaaS focus, Security, Automation)

  • 6 days (2 sessions x 3 days), on-site, hands-on, up to 12 participants
  • HomeWorks between sessions

Azure for Developers (PaaS focus, Cloud Design Patterns, CI/CD)

  • 5 days (2 days + 3 days sessions), on-site, hands-on, up to 12 participants
  • HomeWorks between sessions

Office 365 & EMS (AIP, Intune), Microsoft 365 (WDATP, CloudApp Security)

  • 3 days, on-site, hands-on, up to 12 participants

Proposed agenda:

Azure for Cloud Engineers (IaaS focus, Security, Automation)

The training will include hands-on exercises. 6 days, on-site.

  • Introduction to Azure
  • Cloud business models (EA/CSP/Open), subscriptions, billing
  • IaaS & PaaS fundamentals
  • Data Protection (Backup, ASR)
  • Identity & AAD
  • Logging & Monitoring
  • PowerShell & Automation
  • Security & Governance

Azure for Developers (PaaS focus, Cloud Design Patterns, CI/CD)

  • The training will include hands-on exercises. 5 days, on-site.
  • Data Storage (SQL Azure, CosmosDB), Service Bus
  • Service Fabric
  • App Services, Server-less, Logic Apps
  • Cloud Design Patterns: Valet Key. Gatekeeper. Federated Identity. Multi-tenant deployments. Fault-tolerant systems. Large scale and auto-scaling.
  • CI/CD in Azure

Office 365 & EMS (AIP, Intune), Microsoft 365 (WDATP, CloudApp Security)

The training will include hands-on exercises. 3 days, on-site.

  • Intro to O365/M365 – plans, products, features
  • Provisioning / Click-to-run
  • AD Sync Configuration
  • WIP / AIP / Cloud App Security
  • Intune (MDM & MAM)
  • WDATP / Threat Protection