Financial Services

Customer ONE

Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s CEO is saying that “every company is a technology company”. Being creative and adaptable in today’s faced environment is the key to improving your customer’s experience. With Customer One you can simplify how your clients schedule and make appointments for your services. Imagine you are a law company and want to offer your services...


Check in anywhere and concentrate on what is important. Register your one-button activity. Discover maximum mobility and enjoy maximum productivity. Every automated bureaucratic process means extra efficiency for your employees, and when the record the work boils down to a touch of screen you know for sure that they can focus on what is important. What are...

Meeting Rooms

Don't think about it when you schedule meetings with the push of a button everything is ready for you. Discover easily what spaces you have available for you to focus on what is important. Organizing activities in a space it is meticulous work that requires a constant magagerization of time, activities and needs of those around....

365 Secure Pack

Email stands at the core of many organisations nowadays and it’s preferred by most as a solution to keep intouch with clients and partners worldwinde. The time a user spends writing and responding to emails has risen over the past years exponetialy. This wide spread use is what makes email the #1 threat factor for...