
Mornings with ALEF and Microsoft, ep. 6 – Azure Virtual Machines

Mornings with ALEF and Microsoft, ep. 6 – Azure Virtual Machines

Technology: Azure Speakers: Eduard Plesu Date: 10.09.2020 Language: Romanian Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Azure vs On-premises Azure Virtual Machine How to choose the right virtual machine family and size Demo - creating a VM in Azure

Mornings with ALEF and Microsoft, ep. 5 – Power Automate & Power Apps

Mornings with ALEF and Microsoft, ep. 5 – Power Automate & Power Apps

Technology: Power Automate Speakers: Aurelia Nastase, ALEF Manuel Mirescu si Robert Pufan, Microsoft Romania Date: 27.08.2020 Language: Romanian Agenda: Incentivuri si programe de parteneriat Microsoft; Power Automate si Power Apps.

Mornings with ALEF and Microsoft, ep. 4 – Microsoft Teams

Mornings with ALEF and Microsoft, ep. 4 – Microsoft Teams

Technology: Microsoft Teams Speakers: Eduard Plesu Date: 20.08.2020 Language: Romanian Agenda: 1. Cum introducem persoanale din afara organizatiei in echipele din Teams; 2. Cum putem trimite sau primi fișiere de la persoanele din afara organizatiei având in vedere ca nu exista opțiunea de atașare fișier; 3. Cum gestionam întâlnirile online astfel încât sa nu apară situații...

Mornings with ALEF and Microsoft, ep. 3 – Azure backup

Mornings with ALEF and Microsoft, ep. 3 – Azure backup

Technology: Azure Speakers: Eduard Plesu, ALEF & Florin Rosie, Microsoft Romania Date: 13.08.2020 Language: Romanian Agenda: 1. Microsoft Trust Center 2. Demo Produs: Azure Backup: on-premises & cloud Cum estimam costurile folosind calculatorul de preturi Azure

Mornings with ALEF and Microsoft, ep. 2 – Endpoint Management and data protection

Mornings with ALEF and Microsoft, ep. 2 – Endpoint Management and data protection

Technology: Microsoft 365, Intune, EMS Speakers: Aurelia Nastase, Eduard Plesu Date: 06.08.2020 Language: Romanian Agenda: 1. Noutati: · Diferente intre Azure old plan si Azure new plan · Cum creezi link-ul de delegated admin si conexiunea cu un CSP provider 2. Demo: Gestionarea aplicatiior si dispozitivelor prin Endpoint Management.

Morning Coffee with ALEF and Microsoft, ep. 1 – Exchange Online, Azure Information Protection

Morning Coffee with ALEF and Microsoft, ep. 1 – Exchange Online Flows, Azure Information Protection

Technology: Microsoft 365, Exchange Online, Data Loss Prevention, Azure Information Protection Speakers: Aurelia Nastase, Eduard Plesu Date: 30.07.2020 Language: Romanian Agenda: 1. Noutati promotie upsell Microsoft 365 · Perioada derulare · Mecanism · Modalitate incasare incentive 2. Demo: Cum protejam compania impotriva partajarii neautorizate de date.